Getting unstuck when stuck in honey.
Being stuck is essentially being in routine. It’s a habit; a pattern; a groove.
It’s easy to get yourself stuck. Your humanity loves it.
Why is it so easy to stuck?
Humans find patterns highly efficient, there is less original thinking, less discomfort.
Not only is it normal to be stuck, it’s not always bad for you.
Unless you are ‘stuck in honey’.
You can be stuck in honey if …
You have a good job that pays well with sound working conditions
You’re early in a job (and it should get better)
People tell you you’re good at the job you’re in
Other people seem to have it worse than you
You’re a few months from a milestone
You’re feeling responsible for the team you lead
You’re feeling responsible for the family you are part of
What does being ‘stuck in honey’ mean?
Being stuck is comforting. While there are worse things in life than to be stuck in honey, you are still stuck. It means, your career is lacking in true purpose.
To achieve a purpose led career doesn’t always mean that the job you are in is not right. It is just not on purpose.
Getting unstuck means discovering your true purpose
Most of us get a few careers in our lifetime. How much of that time while you are working will be on purpose? You don’t know unless you know what your purpose is.
So how do we find out what that purpose is?
First, forget that there is a difference between your work vs your life purpose. In my experience that distinction is a waste of intellectual energy. Your life purpose can also be found within your work purpose.
Second, getting unstuck requires us to experience a level of discomfort. Stories of reinvention are usually preceded with stories of pain and frustration.
Are you ready to be inspired to discover what is your purpose?
Have a look at the list below and see if any of the questions spark a resounding NO to something that you would love to answer a YES to at work.
Do you answer YES or NO to the following Purpose themes?
Impact on Happiness
Does what you do contribute to overall happiness in others?
Do you create meaning and optimism in people’s lives?
Do you minimise or address things that cause stress or hurt?
Do you help people experience joy and fun?
Do you help bring people together?
Find Your Purpose
Discover your WHY in what you do is featured as a topic on The People Spot App
Impact on Climate
Does your work repair or enrich the air we breathe?
Does your work help and sustain flora and fauna?
Does your work change human behaviour in a way that improves the health of the planet?
Do you protect forests, jungles, wetlands, rainforests, oceans and waterways?
Do you reduce the likelihood of extinction of any creature?
Impact on Health
Do you promote or build or sell things that make people healthier?
Do you contribute to wellness of communities?
Do you improve or repair systems that have the potential to damage health?
Do your efforts contribute to the physical and mental health of others?
Does your work ensure access to fresh food, clean water and air?
Do you contribute to people living more fulfilled and purposeful lives?
Impact on Time and Wealth
Do you create more time for people to do the things they want to do?
Do you help others to be more productive?
Do you help people and families with more informed choice about priorities?
Do you help fair distribution of wealth?
Do you enable investment to occur for the good of all
Impact on Fundamental Needs
Does your work help people realise fundamental human needs - shelter, food?
Do you activate human rights - equality, dignity?
Do you help humans live in safe conditions?
Do you help provide education to improve chances to succeed in life?
Do you help people achieve independence and agency?
Impact on Families
Do you bring families closer together?
Do you help families deal with difficult situations?
Do you protect and enhance the lives of children?
Do you protect and enhance the lives of the elderly and people who need care?
Impact on Social Good
Do you ensure disadvantaged people experience equality?
Do you help overcome loneliness for others?
Do you ensure communities are safer?
Do you break down systems of inequity / inequality?
Do you enable people who are not heard to be heard?
Does your work create jobs that stimulate the economy?
Impact on Creativity
Do you allow people to express their uniqueness?
Do you express art and beauty?
Do you innovate and problem solve for collective good?
Do you showcase and celebrate small or under-seen acts of beauty?
Do you help others to discover purpose in their lives?
Impact on Memories
Does your work help people achieve goals and milestones?
Do you enable people to realise their potential?
Do you shape environments that allow for connection and beauty?
Do you do the ugly work that remains unseen but is vital and necessary?
Does your work create powerful and positive memories for you?