S.U.R.F. Cards


Both for larger organisations or smaller work teams, once using the People Spot app you can come together in groups for a S.U.R.F. session to share, understand, refresh and focus. Get the conversation flowing and develop your people skills using our tailored deck of S.U.R.F. card questions developed by experts from The People Spot. Questions help embed the use of the app and maximise learning through discussion.

Tips on how to run a S.U.R.F. Session

  • Conversation Starters

    Our deck of 56 cards are divided into 4 categories - SHARE. UNDERSTAND. REFRESH. FOCUS. Each with unique questions aimed to help you gain insight and develop your skills and knowledge through group discussion in a safe and supportive environment. Quick tips are included, giving opportunity for further reflection and insight.

  • Small or Large Groups

    For small or large groups, across or within teams. You may prefer to split larger groups into subgroups to give participants more opportunity to share and take part. Sessions may be facilitated by leaders or learning experts, or can be completely self-managed by participants.

  • Prompt

    Typically participants randomly take a question card from each of the four S.U.R.F. categories. You will have four cards in total and each person in the group will have their own unique 4 questions to respond to. Some cards will ask you to directly refer to the People Spot app, but you should also feel free to refer to the app at any time during your session if this helps you gain further insight and support.

  • Reflect and Prepare

    Take time to reflect on your questions before sharing with the group. Ten minutes typically works well and allows each group member to process and arrange their thoughts.

  • Timing

    The length of your session will depend on group numbers and time available. Typically 60-90 minutes. You may wish to nominate someone as timekeeper so everyone has equal time to share and take part. It’s understandable that you will have more to share for some questions than others. Share whatever feels the most important for you. There is no set order to follow.

  • Interpret

    There are no “right” or “wrong” answers. You can interpret each card as you wish. Most value comes from reflecting on your current or most recent role. If there is a question that is hard to respond to, you may wish to use the opportunity to ask the advice of the group based on their experiences. There are no set rules in how these cards can be used - so be creative!

S.U.R.F. Cards

Order two or more packs for free postage (otherwise $9.50)

Currently only for order in Australia.

Interested in running a S.U.R.F. Session?

It’s a great way to kickstart change to your culture. Reach out to us to access S.U.R.F Cards or for more information.