Team Purpose. (part 1)
Teams seek meaning. Without meaning, work becomes transactional
___ Colin
Your Team’s purpose resides here.
Without meaning, our work becomes transactional. To increase your team’s performance, requires some working out of the intention of your Team.
What would be missing if this team did not exist?
Below you’ll find a topics on your team’s impact on happiness, health, families and creativity to work through with your team.
Work through Part 2 here with your Team after you’ve worked through this.
Does what we do contribute to overall happiness in others?
Do we create meaning and optimism in people’s lives?
Do we minimise or address things that cause stress or hurt?
Do we help people experience joy and fun?
Do we help create positive memories?
Find Your Purpose is a FREE topic featured on PeopleSpot App
Do we promote or build or sell things that make people healthier?
Do we contribute to wellness of communities?
Do we improve systems that have the potential to damage health?
Do our efforts contribute to the physical and mental health of others?
Do we ensure access to fresh food, clean water and air?
Do we bring families closer together?
Do we help families deal with difficult situations?
Do we protect and enhance the lives of children?
Do we protect and enhance the lives of the elderly and people who need care?
Do we allow people to express their uniqueness?
Do we express art and beauty?
Do we innovate and problem solve for collective good?
Do we showcase and celebrate small or under-seen acts of beauty?
Do we help others to discover purpose in their lives?
Creativity is featured on PeopleSpot App (Subscriber only)